Thursday, January 12, 2012


Remember when you were young, and school holidays felt endless. Each day stretched before you. Time passed slowly. You had time to be bored?

Our first week back in the Fibro following the Epic Family Holiday has been like that. Starting late. Easing into the day. Nowhere in particular to be. Nothing in particular to do.

It's lovely. The boys are relaxing. They play together. They bicker. They do something separately for a while. They come back together. I faff about, providing snacks, reading my book, an occasional spot of housework.

The perfect rhythm for a school holiday. Except I'm not. At school. Or on holidays. Somewhere in the back of my mind is the notion that there are a couple of deadlines screaming my way. Sigh. Best I think about those.


[image: via weheartit]


  1. I've realised these holidays I don't drift very well. I sit bolt upright in the boat with an oar clutched in my hands, waiting to get back to shore. Seems while I found our routine suffocating towards the end of term, I now realise I need it. I like the ebb and flow of the tides.

  2. This is my first proper summer school holiday since becoming a school mum. I'm loving it. Lazy days, sleep ins, all-day pyjama days, hanging out with my girls. It's going to be hard to get back to the rhythm and routine of the school run (damn you, 6am wake-ups!). Making sandwiches, peeling fruit, locating library books, hunting for missing shoes/hair elastics/excursion slips (aaarrggghh, my blood pressure's rising just thinking about it!) Three cheers for lazy days!

  3. This sounds lovely. I have 2 weeks off over the Christmas period (our office closes) and I just love it. All of the above minus the deadlines. Alas, I am back at work this week and dreaming of my 2 weeks off. Until next year...

  4. Same .. I'm at home, drifting, trying to entertain but let my guys get bored and feeling all my work piling up. (But, it is nice to have work again!)

    The juggling never ends. X

  5. The best thing is not making lunches! Loving the pyjama days.

  6. Hmmm... holidays have been totally that so far - which considering I have 9 weeks of them (I AM the only person who managed to win this jackpot!) is not particularly good for the biz or my sleep patterns... I keep waking in the middle of the night with great ideas, but no time during the day to implement them. Might as well enjoy the break while it lasts.

  7. I'm drifting too...but it's between holiday craziness and discrete email checking to keep on top of the bits and bobs that make up my 'career'

  8. having time to do a long crossword, reading books, letting the kids stay up late, craft, cooking, pottering, bliss

  9. I love faffing about, especially when the deadlines are looming like, say, now. Still not stressed enough to actually start the project yet though ... off to faff some more.

  10. Sounds so lovely. Drifting. Ahhhh....

    I'm a little with Karen on the need for a routine. I loved the new year coming around for that. All the Xmas chaos, even the chilling, freaks me out a bit. Though we do have a pretty darn relaxed life most of the time anyway. Enjoy your drifting, Al. Hope your work gets done, eventually;)

  11. I'm on the other side, my other gig when I'm not on holidays is to hang out with kids a l l day long. Some people are horrified.....but the secret is I get to be 12 for another year (this has been going on for some years now) thing is I have so many aces up my sleeve, the kids are only 12 once, I am the queen at being 12 hehehehe (was that just a tad childish? ......sorry can't help myself)

  12. A friend and I have a theory that procrastinating is actually more efficient. By leaving it till the last minute you ensure that the task is completed in the shortest amount of time required!

    Ok, so it also increases the stress and headache... but still. Efficiency! That's a silver lining! So keep relaxing and not worrying about those deadlines - you're just being efficient :)

  13. I find because I work from home others think I can look after their kids too...a herd makes drifting nigh impossible. Sigh

  14. Jealous. Much. I'm not on holidays (or a pseudo holiday) but I wish I were. At least it's the weekend tomorrow!

    I'm sure your work will still be there waiting for you, whenever you get around to doing it. Work is like that :-)

  15. This sounds so lovely and relaxing. My cherubs are not yet at school, the eldest will start this year, so it's same old same old at the moment. I look forward to days like you describe in holidays!

  16. Deadlines? what are they? Never heard of them....(kidding)
    just drift for a couple days longer...the deadlines will still be there.

  17. Enjoy. A little pressure is always good for creative output anyway ;)

  18. Drifting is something I need more of in my life. I could really get into a good drift, I reckon. x

  19. Oh, what a lovely depiction of perfect do-nothing days.

  20. I go back and forth on wanting those lazy hazy days with no schedule, but find that too much time off makes me a little cranky. I start to miss the routine.

  21. I tried drifting the last month but am far too rigid to perfect it. I live in hope I'll one day master this x

  22. I went back to work on Monday and have tried to keep my 'holiday' feel all week. So far so good. Here's to drifting!



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