Personally, I'm glad that the cooler weather has finally made an entrance. Indian summers are all well and good, but they're hot. Six months of hot is enough. Two extra months just gets irritating.
Plus, lower temperatures mean the season of the Flannelette Pyjama (note the singular, a leftover from my heady days at Vogue in the 90s), proper, is now upon us. I admit to having been in my Flannos for some time now. Hoping. Even sweating a little. But no more. Now I'm just sublimely comfortable.
There is nothing better than coming home from a long, hard day and slipping into an elasticised waist and soft, brushed cotton. I don't know where you stand on the Cartoon Print when it comes to Flannos, but personally I'm not a fan. I like an Old Skool stripe or spot. Probably because I'm a Old Skool kind of girl. Or just old.
Admittedly, I do start getting into my Flannos earlier and earlier as autumn turns into winter. Until it gets to the point where I'm getting back into them almost before I get out of them in the morning. But I'm okay with that. In my ideal world, we'd all wear Flannos all the time. There'd be no body image issues because we'd all look like TeleTubbies. There'd be no road rage, supermarket rage or walking-behind-slow-people rage because we'd all be so comfortable and relaxed we wouldn't care. We could even look cool, as the gorgeous Parisian in the pic (by The Sartorialist) shows (yes, those are pyjama pants).
I suspect my championing of pyjamas as all-day wear began with my freelancing career around 10 years ago. When freelancers joke about working from home in their pyjamas, they're not actually joking. I had a friend drop in at 1pm one day and dissolve into hysterics because I was still wandering about in my night attire. I think he was more amused by my complete embarrassment at having been sprung... Or possibly my attempt to explain to him that it was 'leisure wear'. Yep, that might have been it.
Speaking of leisure wear, I tried, just days ago, to tell Sister B that pink-spotted pyjama pants and a t-shirt constituted a fashion statement due to the 'leisure wear' being so 'on trend' this year. She informed me that getting in to one's pyjamas while people were still attending one's lunchtime barbecue could in no way be regarded as leisure wear. In my defence, there were only family members present, it was cold and I ate too much to cope with the button on my jeans. And my t-shirt was very cool.
What's not leisurely about that?
All this talk of autumn and pajama pants has me so wishing it weren't summer here. Well, it's spring, but it's a hot spring. Ugh. And as a freelancer? Pajamas are my uniform.
ReplyDeleteOh you're getting me all confused with your seasons when over here we're all talking about Spring and putting our Autumn wardrobes away. And you're always going to bed on Twitter when I'm just waking up. So inconvenient!
ReplyDeleteI love flannel. As a material. But it's so hard to find any proper flannel pyjamas or anything over here. When you see it, you have to buy it in multiples. I do waft about in my dressing gown a lot but once I'm up and done the school run, even I would think it slummy to go home and put my PJ's back on. But as a freelancer, it's great to have the option.
Oh, I hear you. As I sit in my (non 'toon character) flannies...and resist ever getting out of them, I am as warm as toast and twice as comfy. Todays are pale purple and white striped.
ReplyDeleteYes, I must admit that the school run has put a dent in my long jamie days. But there's always the holidays...
ReplyDeleteOn Monday I only changed out of my pajamas at 7pm to play netball - couldn't help feeling my skills would be tempered by their comfiness. Came home, showered and straight into a fresh pair. I'm a traditional stripe lover (Peter Alexander lavender and cream stripe from a few seasons ago - will cry when they die) but I do have a pair with poodles and the Eiffel tower that I adore {my 10-year-old has a matching pair - only time I do mother/daughter dressing}
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, Al!
ReplyDeleteI love flannies and if my kids would let me, I'd wear them all day every day from the beginning of April through till the end of September. I regularly drive my kids to school in my red flannies! Bliss! They never need ironing and are always comfortable. A true fashion piece.
The school run has killed pajama days for me unfortunately, but there are NO WORDS that describe my joy of changing into my beloved, frayed and seriously comfortable velour sweatpants as soon as I get home. My velours are the equivalent of your pajama pants. It's real love.
ReplyDeleteI actually bought myself a cardy today, because had got into the habit of wearing my dressing gown over clothes about the house. Not usually a problem, except when someone knocks at the door, as you point out.
ReplyDeleteI think I shall seek out plain black silky PJs this winter, so they look more like pants. Fancy pants.
I love the cooler weather. I love scarfs and jumper. I love jackets and beanies. And of course Pjs.
ReplyDeleteI once went to work in my pyjamas. I got the odd look on the train but most people went on with their life. My boss didn't seem to mind. I must have worked in an accepting branch of the bank.