Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The fantastical adventures of Alla Hoo Hoo (part IV)

There comes a time in every family’s journey when a pet becomes part of their life. Dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs, diamond pythons, mice (eek), pigs - these and many others are all potential new family members. It’s just a matter of choosing what kind of family you are.

Alla Hoo Hoo, Mr3’s imaginary friend, has approached pet owning in her usual inimitable fashion. She and her extended family – now including Mr Pizza, Ben (her husband) and a very hazy number of children – have taken on a school of sharks. Specifically, Wiper Sharks. So-called because they are able to complete the entire Total Wipeout obstacle course without falling over. They take on the ‘sucker punch’ feature on their tails.

I know all this because Mr3 has again been spending a bit of time with Ms Hoo Hoo. He has stopped going to as many parties with her because they play too many ‘grown-up’ games at Alla Hoo Hoo’s parties. Worriedly, I tried to extract details of these ‘grown-up’ games (bowls of keys came to mind for some reason). Apparently the Hoo Hoo posse is fond of the Ironing Game. I told Mr3 I quite understood why he no longer wished to go along.

I have also got to the bottom of their shared passion for motorbikes. They like them because they get to wear helmets. I’m happy with this explanation – the helmets are something he’s likely to grow out of, as opposed to, say, a deep-seated love of the Harley Davidson.

Soon after that conversation, Mr3 asked me what ‘invisible’ meant. I explained that it meant that something couldn’t be seen. “Like Alla Hoo Hoo,” he said. “She doesn’t like people to see her.”




  1. We all could do with an imaginary friend: indeed I think many religious people have them (at the risk of sounding sacrilegious)...

    There's worse.

  2. If I'd have known about these grown up ironing games they play at grown up life, I'd have given it all a miss too, to be frank. Alla hoo Hoo sounds like one wise chick.

  3. He's just so gorgeous. "She doesn't like people to see her" - classic!! x

  4. I'm liking this whole Alla Hoo Hoo idea of making chores such as ironing 'fun' and making helmets seem cool. For an invisible chick, she's pretty damned cool!

  5. Love hearing about the adventures of Alla Hoo Hoo. She is always evolving, just like the little man himself. His imaginary friend gives us great insight into the makings of the boy.

  6. At our house the friends are not imaginary but rather are body parts, feet and hands, each with names and their own unique voices and personalities.

    Alla Hoo Hoo sounds very interesting. I think this time is so very magical as their imaginations evolve.

  7. I'd like to be friends with Alla Hoo Hoo too. That boy of yours has a great imagination. Gets it from his Mum no doubt.

  8. My son had "Duncan" and "Jester". We all claim that Duncan and Jester pretty much brought him up in those early years. Great post.


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