Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekend Rewind

And, just like that, I'm back! It has been a productive week - around 10,000 words written (just none of them on this blog). I confess to a certain sense of freedom, knowing that I did not have to front up here each day. But I missed you all too. Freelancing is a lonely business without you fine people to talk to.

Enough of all that, though. We're here to Rewind. If you're a debutante at the Rewind, the rules are simple: follow the Fibro (see note about loneliness, above), link up an old post for some new comment love, and then try to get round to as many other links as you can to share that comment love all over the place. Feel free to start from the bottom of the list so that those arriving a little bit later get their share. Easy.

This week's theme in for our mixed tape of blogging fabulousness is... R&R. Rest and relaxation. Taking a break. Breathing in deep. Enjoying some time. Jumping off cliffs. Watching television. Reading a book. Travelling far and wide. Anything that fits the R&R category for you is all right by me.

Okay. Got that? Ready, set... Rewind!


  1. We missed you too! Glad to hear it was a productive week.

  2. Hello stranger! We missed you too. Glad to hear your book is coming along.
    I would love to rewind this week but alas, it appears I don't rest or relax. Deary me. :O

  3. We missed you. And I understand exactly what it means to let something go. Blogging has taken a back step for me in the past month. But I'm hoping to have it back in my life again. (I actually missed it.)

    I sure hope that the word count has eased the pressure a tad. Can't wait to buy a copy when it hits the bookstores. xx

  4. She lives to blog another day! Great to have you back sis. I have plucked a post from many years ago (literally!) - about the last time I got to relax. Ha!

  5. Good to be back at the Fibro, and glad to hear you've written that HUGE number of words. Many congrats! I laughed at the R & R theme and how I immediately zoomed to the post on park benches; oh it is indeed the little things that mean so much.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. sounds like it was very productive and good for the soul to get so many words out there.

    I seriously have nothing to add RnR wise which is sadly telling! Looking forward to reading everyone else's though!

  8. Congrats on a productive week. Must feel really good.

    PS. I stuffed up my linky thing - No42 isn't linked properly No43 is the correct one. How can I delete 42 or can you??
    Sorry :)

  9. I've been having to let go of the time I spend on my blog many a time lately, so you're not alone:) Sometimes it just has to be done though, if you want any hope of getting other important stuff done:)

  10. I've linked up a post I wrote when I was on my road trip last year. Foxglove Spires is so restful plus LOML was my only commenter - which I think was his first and last! x

  11. 10,000 words? You rock! Well done you, and welcome back to the blogosphere where you were missed x

  12. Booooooooo at missing the link up this week. I pretty much slept through Saturday. So I came this morning to link up and it's closed. sniff sniff sniff

    I decided to post my R & R rewind post in a comment. Then I won't feel like I am behind. heeheeheee


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