Tax, pay TV, slow cookers, red wine, white wine, how we need more wine, warranty forms, asthma, insurance claims, redheads, Tangle, Ninja grading, moisturisers, agents, revising, miscommunication, magazines, blog stats, sisters, travel sickness tablets, fundraising, writing, waiting, new sheets, physiotherapy, reversing sensors, writing letters, community outrage, walking, irregular heart beat, weight loss, cruising, technology, Luna Park, Christmas cards, saving money, mid-week slump, and how pupil-free days were not invented by a parent.
Oh, pupil-free days - a KILLER! Reversing sensors - best invention ever. Do you know, that when you're trying to reverse out of a car park they'll beep when a car's coming your way? I'm not sure what the distance is, but it's bliss when you're parked between big 4WD and are reversing blind. Worth it if you can get them.
ReplyDeleteWe've had another busy week flying by with barely more than a few sentences slipping out between us. We have discussed fairies, living in England (thanks Relocation Relocation), gardening, coffee, deadlines, work, the World Cup, friendships...
Oh, and enjoying the long weekend!
YAY Friday and it's the day before the start of a long weekend ... could today be any better?? Well it could be warmer, but at least the sun is shining.
ReplyDeleteYour pic of the promo for Tangle Series 2 sent me straight off to Google... loved the first series of Tangle (the best reason to have Austar) have grown up with Ben Mendelsohn, and have to say that this is the first character he has played that I can honestly say I dont like - what a slimy sleezeball!! Can't wait to see the aftermath of his dropping his keys down the gutter!!!! Jo
Hi Jo, I'm on series 1 - got it for mother's day. Loving it so far. And don't you think that Ben Mendelsohn is starting to specialise in slimy sleazeballs - did you see him in Love My Way???
ReplyDeleteHi, there were definitely quite a few "what a prick" moments when it came to Lewis, but I actually liked that character. Can't say the same for Vince!! Gabriel on the other hand, yummo!!! Who knew Matt Day would grow up to be so lovely.... it's certainly been a long time since A Country Practice lol... Jo
ReplyDeleteAnd there are too many pupil free days, don't you think? I mean yes, I love having my boys around - of course I do - but I also like it when they're at school. Ya know?
ReplyDeleteThanks for popping by my blog and commenting! Am intrigued by your pink fibro - never knew they existed!!! Cheers Jx
ReplyDeleteSwedish has beens, living in Australia (thanks Relocation, Relocation,)private versus public schools, the World Cup, my birthday and my husband's birthday and who got the most cards (actually that's a lie - well, it was both our birthdays), how to stop the toddler getting in all the cupboards - elastic bands aren't working.
ReplyDeleteWe're talking about spider bites over here. Ugh. My daughter got one earlier this week. And my husband's probably talking to his work colleagues about wives who freak out about spider bites. =>
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to Season 2 of Tangle!
Pupil free days - I get it, it doesn't bother me now as I'm at home... but if I was a working parent I wouldn't be so happy about it.
We discussed, bitchy canteen women, gardening, writing, photography, replacing my puter, sex and the city, SFF (a lot), psycho bus drivers, how fabulous it is the rain has stopped (for now) plans for birthday, future giveaways...