Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's your favourite stage of childhood?

It was a day for babies today. Two bloggy friends, one at the start of her baby journey, one lamenting the end. Over at Tales of a Tai Tai, Bridget received the first (of no doubt hundreds) Bonds Wondersuit for her baby (due January 2012). So soft, so white, so pure. So unembellished by the various stains of actual babyhood. Sigh.

At Ah, The Possibilities, Sarah was talking about the changing face of motherhood, and how time flies (whether you're having fun or not). Baby days, days with little kids of any age, are hard, she rightly pointed out, but you still miss them when they're gone.

I'm not a newborn girl. I know some women go goo-goo over those tiny little babies, with their floppy heads and their sweet, intoxicating scent. Not me. I like return on my investment and I just don't think you get enough of that in the early days. I think my favourite stage of babyhood is about five to seven months, when they're fat, smiling gummy smiles, squealing and babbling (but crying less frequently), sleeping with some regularity, and, with any luck unable to move too far.

My favourite stage of childhood is whichever one my children are up to at the time. It's true that seven-year-old boys can be... challenging. That four-year-olds talk incessantly and ask waaaay too many hard questions. That two-year-olds can whinge, whine and tantrum for Australia. But each age has its redeeming features. Mr4 is the cuddliest kid I've ever met and I am soaking up each and every one of them. Mr7 is developing his wit, finding his sense of humour, and still able to be beaten at Chess.

I just love watching them turn into actual people.

Though I do miss those Bonds feet suits. You could put a 15-year-old boy in one of those and he'd still look angelic. Strange, it's true, but angelic.

What's your favourite stage of childhood? Any age in particular so far?

[image:] And, sigh, disclaimer. This is not a sponsored post. All mention of Bonds Wondersuits, for babies or 15 year old boys, is all about me.


  1. I am a newborn an. Love little teeny tinies. Toddlers I would happily trade in for a later model.

    As you know it was Charlie's 6th birthday today.

    I like 6.

  2. i don't have kids of my own .. i know what you mean about the 5-7 months .. they're so chubby and smiley .. when i worked in early childhood I loved three year olds. it's when their imagination really starts to shine and you can interact with them on a meaningful level - get them interested in the world around them.. hope you got your writing done all good! x

  3. I enjoyed 5-6 months very much - the ROI, as you put it (which is so true) is coming along nicely. They smile and giggle and are so cute - but they aren't too mobile. I could take them everywhere I went. It was easy. Once they grew out of those bucket car seats, it suddenly got a lot trickier with two :)

  4. I keep thinking, "I love this age/stage!" And then the next one begins and I love that even more :) Not sure I will feel that way once she is a teenager!!!

  5. Not sure what my favourite age is, maybe 'moving out of home' age.... sorry, mine are 18 and 16 so I can't say my fave is where they're at right now, I'm looking ahead with hope.... ;)
    I'm kidding, really, they actually kinda rock right now. Most of the time.

  6. I don't go ga-ga for other people's newborn babies, but I did my own. I've loved every stage - each brings something new, be it wonderful or a challenge and because my girls are both very different personalities, I've enjoyed them both in new ways all over again.

  7. I love that 5-7 months stage too, the babies are getting robust and you can give them a nice squeezy huggle without worrying you might break 'em.

    Amazingly, 14 is turning out to be an interesting and amazing age; I love my eldest's wild enthusiasm and am constantly amazed at the hugeness of him.

    I'd say 11 is good too except my 11 year old is just in disguise, he's actually 33, nice age too.

    Five is good too, even when you double it. My twins are getting more sensible... will be really ready for school next year. I'm ready!

    All ages are good and awful too.... that's kids and that's motherhood from where I stand/lie exhausted.

  8. I love 1 and 3. I fear newborn and two. But I agree with you - my favourite age is always the age my kids are now - they just get better with time, and every day's better than the last.

  9. I love 1 and 3. I fear newborn and 2. I agree with you that where my kids are at now is my favourite so far. Proof that they just get easier with time, and every day is better than the last.

  10. Sarah's post resonated with me today. I was grumpy and miserable until her blog snapped me back to reality. I don't have a favorite stage, though I do adore the time for first words. Gotta love the Bonds Onesie


  11. Baby stage: 4 months - lots of love in return for hard labour and you can plonk them in one place and they don't move.
    Other stages: where my kids are at now. I'm sitting here and the clock's passed midnight into the 6th birthday of my youngest. He's so excited about his big day, you wouldn't not wish for them to grow up.

  12. 19months. The continuous stringing of words together and the serious noticing of the world makes me see the detail in the smallest of things again. (Mr) 5 and (Mr) 8 are pretty awesome too. The worlds they make up together make me see differently. And they are old enough to carry the 19month old bundle around and applaud her attempts at 'Kookaburra' and 'Caterpillar'.Seems too, that these younger ages are when we really get to land with our tribe before they find their own way in the world and move on, both with and without us. SUCH FUN!

  13. I agree about the 5-6 month window, as long as their not teething it's heavenly :)

  14. I'm with you. I love snuggling newborns but not living with one! Love the notion of 'getting a return on your investment'. Absolutely!

  15. Yep, I'm with the 5-7 month crew. My littlie is 6 months on Monday and he's divine (no teething in sight yet...). After that I LOVE 10 months-ish. Our 2.5 yo was starting to stand and walked the day before 11 months. Was fun and exciting and soooo much feedback.

  16. I love my boys at any age, but I could seriously just have babies until the end of time. One after another. I find them calming, even amongst the crying, I love the rhythm of the day - feed, play, sleep, over and over. They're not old enough to steal your cups of tea, and still little enough to pack into the pram for a long walk.
    5 seems to be a pretty magic age - where imaginative play really kicks in and the world really begins to open up.

  17. I agree that the 6 month chubby sitting up and not moving stage is gorgeous (and my favorite for taking photos)! But every stage presents different joys and challenges. I look at my 2 year old and think I will be sad when he loses all that gorgeous talk but then I look at my 11and 9 year olds and are loving watching them grow and become little men, gaining independence and responsibilities. So I just try and soak it all up and enjoy the ride! (ask me again In 7 years time when I have 3 teen and 2 pre-teen boys!)

  18. Totally agree. That stage when they're cute and adorable, can't move too far, and aren't yet coordinated enough to hog the iPad, is a good one. But watching them grow into little people is fascinating and amazing and wonderful. And my life is much better for it.

  19. Is it weird that 2 is my favorite? Ignore the me, me, me and focus on the growing language, the 'are you happy?'s and the 'I love you's and two is just about the best thing going. x

  20. Alison

    I agree with your link to Sarah, it really does fly.

    I wrote about that recently

    I'm sitting here nursing my newborn and watching my oldest who turns 18 shortly spreading her wings, going forth.

    I love all the stages, each stage is special and unique, as is each child.

    I love snuggling our newborn who is now 3 months and chortling, I love listening to our 2yr old finding 'his voice.' Our newly turned 5 yr old is so fascinating at present as he finally matures a little. Our 7 yr old has definitely her own individual personality, and our 9 year old is so precious and emerging as a really special young lady. Our 12 yr old is so entertaining, and our 14 yr old so sensitive to others but he does enjoy pushing his mum's buttons. Our 16 yr old is one young man to be proud of and as I watch our 17yr old blossom as she steps forth to find herself I couldn't be happier.

    All precious, I love each stage, although some are more challenging than others;)


  21. As a first grade teacher, I do appreciate that time. It is really quite awesome watching kids believe in magic, lose their teeth and be excited for school.

    But my favorite stage of childhood in my own kids is age 4. Age 4 they say the FUNNIEST stuff!

  22. I totally agree with you Al. I love watching my children turn into little people. It makes my heart smile.

  23. I love every stage as my kids arrive at it. They continually amaze me with the people they are becoming. I really love the whole first year, it's so special and fleeting. But I am a bit nostalgic for that lately as it moves further behind me. Some stages are definitely harder than others! So glad my youngest two boys have grown past the "bolting stage" they went through at the 2-3 mark :-)

  24. My preference is similar to yours... I didn't realise I would live the 4-6 months stage so much! Before the solids/teething issue (for mine, anyway), but after the first few months of intermittent sleeping tinged with screaming from colic. I'm kinda wishing 4-6 *years* were as easy as that! #notsomuchluck

  25. 8 months to 1yr was magic. Mine just seem to be bubbly and happy, sleeping, eating and just smiling in joy at everything. As cute as newborns are, and I do love to just gaze in wonder at them, it was just plain hard work and adjustment both time.
    Now one of mine is 6 and she is a keeper who makes me laugh and is so kind. The other is 2 and she is letting Australia know it it 'not fair' with legs kicking and screaming as I take that lollipop in the store away from her grasp, but she is a beautiful keeper too. :)

  26. I agree that it’s often the stage you’re at because you’re constantly discovering more about your children and in awe of their ability, quirks and personalities.
    At the moment I’m loving ‘nearly 3’ because I’m so relieved that ‘mega busy and can’t be reasoned with 2’ seems to be calming. Age 5 going on 20 is also wonderful, my eldest started school this year and comes out with the most classic grown up expressions.
    Good post, made me think and appreciate. Thank you.

  27. In the baby stage I am like you, newborns are cute and all but I like a little more interaction. Smiles, laughter is the greatest sound ever. My son is 11 and it's a hard age, I just am constantly worried that I'm not going to guide him right.

  28. My favourite age is the 3-4 range, when they're old enough to be toilet trained, but still young enough to say exactly what's on their mind whith no self-censorship.

  29. Timely post for me... I was just thinking that my daughter is currently at a lovely age. She's recently 5 and is so charming, enthusiastic and reasonable all of a sudden. 2 and a half is also cool - the language explosion, the cuddles and all that.

    How surprising that I just mentioned my own children's current ages!

  30. I loved so many stages, I just can't pick one.

  31. Ah - have just caught up with your posts and read this one! Thanks for the mention ;) And I'll be interested to see which one turns out to be my favourite. I can't wait for the aimless chat that will come out when our baby turns into a toddler, but then I can't wait for that little newborn newness! I do love some bang for my buck though too so no doubt I'll be looking forward to the next stages all the way along...... Time will tell eh? xx

  32. I love age 2 - 4... their laughter is pure joy and the world hasn't "got to them" yet (minimal bad influences). They are so happy and carefree at this age. Also, the heavy dependency on you ("hard work") is mostly all done by this age.

  33. I love all the stages, but newborns have me in a complete puddle. ADORE them. Thank you for the lovely link xxx


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